Have you ever been unsure of a decision, asked a trusted friend, and they give you a piece of advice you’re a little unsure about? You think it over for awhile, weigh the pros & cons, and eventually tell your friend, “If you say so!” You trust them, so you’re willing to take a risk based off their judgement. Have you ever stopped to think that most of us listen to advice from people we don’t even know? We follow influencers & trends because they’re popular. However, we don’t often stop & consider the consequences of following what a particular group of people are doing. Even if that influencer or trend is considered a good person/thing to follow alongside. I know for a fact that I’m not the only person ever who has followed a fad. I’m not saying that I have all the answers or that trends are all together a bad thing. But I wonder if we stop to weight our motivation behind why w e do something we do. Do we read books, watch movies, or even go to certain pla