Social media. Those two words can hold a lot of weight. It’s something that many people use to stay connected. Yet, somehow at the end of the day feel more isolated For me, it’s a daily intentional choice about how/what I use it for. I tried not using it altogether. Epic fail. I found that for me, it was pretty much impossible. Daily tasks I complete required me to use it. So, what could I do to complete these tasks, stay connected, & not feel drained from using it for hours because of FOMO? (Fear of missing out). Lock my apps so I couldn’t get to them? Tried it. Again, another attempt not thought through. It’s a long story, but locking them in batches just didn’t work for me. Hmmm...Maybe if I tried screen time, I’d see how much time I spent & want to scale it down. You guessed it. Fail. Yes, it did help me see how much time I was spending. Also, I started to cut back quite a bit after online schooling was over. Then, after graduat...