Being a college student can be tough. Doing it fully online is even more challenging. Now that I've been doing it for awhile, I have a few tips to share for online students. Stay Organized I know you've probably heard this tip 1,000 times, but it's key. Especially when most classes are now 8 weeks instead of 16. Each person has their own way to stay organized. Once you find your niche, stick to it! Get Books ASAP If you're books aren't going to be sent to you, order them 2-3 before classes start. There are so many factors that could cause a delay in reviving them, that it's worth it to get them early. Take Advantage of preview week! Most schools offer preview week for online students. This allows you to get a peek into what will be due for the course, as well as a look at the syllabus. Preview week is also the time to ask any questions about things that look confusing. Ask Questions Mask as many questions as you nee...