As women, we’re constantly getting the message to be flawless. That’s an impossible expectation for us to live up to. The definition of flawless is: 1. without any blemishes or imperfections; perfect." To try and do this causes hurt not only to ourselves but for people around us. If they see us trying to become something we can’t, what example are we setting? What will they believe about themselves when they cannot be “perfect?” As daughters, friends, sisters, mothers, or whatever hats we may wear, we need to be considerate about the messages we’re sending. We certainly don’t want to give any false perceptions or expectations to those we love, do we? So, instead of trying to be flawless, let’s focus on being transparent. Showing others that no matter what things may look like on social media or how “together” someone seems to be, no one is perfect. We all have moments of frustration, sadness. Unhappiness, and other e...