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Showing posts from January, 2020

πŸ’“ Joshua 1:9

I love this. I’m not sure where I found this photo but it speaks volumes.  Although, I’d probably change the word to courageous. Being courageous in a pursuit gives you the permission to feel fear; While at the same time giving you room to shake it off.  Fear is a real emotion, but it’s not something that has to control us. How we respond to fear, shows how much room we give it to rule over our actions.  C H A L L A N G E: give yourself room to feel the emotion of fear. Then speak to it with God’s truth & kick it down by releasing it to Jesus.   Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged,  for the  Lord  your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Don’t Graduate from Growing

I wasn’t sure what to write about this week. With my recent graduation from college, I’ve been thinking a lot about how excited I was to graduate high school. Then, I was amazed to see where life took me on my college journey.  From online learning to being on campus twice, then back to online learning, it was an interesting journey to say the least! In each of those stages, I met amazing people, had some amazing experience, & set goals.   I don’t want that to stop just because I’ve ended my academic journey. I want to learn & grow in every stage of my life. Because if I do that, I not only benefit myself, but every person I’ll come in contact with over my lifetime.  If you’re reading this & you’ve been on this journey with me, thank you. Thank you for reminding me why I did it. Thank you for encouraging me to keep going when I felt like giving up. Thank you for being you.  πŸ’“

How The Blog Got Started

Since I’m a little under the weather today, instead of a typical blog post, I wanted to let you know how @wordsofabelle got started.  ♥️ I started it as a creative outlet in 2018. I wasn’t sure how many people would be reached by it, but I wasn’t concerned with numbers. I wanted to write about things that were on my heart & hoped other people would relate, too.  ♥️ it’s turned into something a lot bigger than I ever thought it may have in its beginnings. I hope it will continue to help me to connect with people on a deeper level in #2020.  ♥️ R E A S O N  There have been many times I’ve felt completely uninspired or unmotivated. But I truly believe I’ve been inspired by God to start this to share my story with others who can benefit from it.  ♥️ F U T U R E  Although I don’t know what’s in store for this in 2020, I hope it continues to reach new lives in new ways.  ♥️ Thank you to everyone who has followed along ...