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Showing posts from February, 2019

Let’s Be Courageous - Carolyn Dissmore

A while back I was honored when asked to do a workshop for our church women.  I had never done this before.  I was terrified! The theme of the day was Fearless. As I was praying, researching, and studying I felt that I would use the term, to be courageous. How many of us have let opportunities we long to do and are called to do go unfulfilled because of that dreaded word, FEAR?  I will be the first to admit I have! The fear of failure, fear of not measuring up to others, or the fear of being too young or old to be used can sometimes be so strong that we make excuses as why we can't or won't do things we long to do.  And scary things aren't just the big things in life! Sometimes even little things we are asked to do can put fear into us as they take us out of our comfort zones. Maybe God has been asking you to visit a neighbor and just show His love or even telling your cashier the next time you are in the store that they are truly loved by the Lord! These can be...

She Is Blooming....

Once, there was a little girl with big dreams.  Once, she was told she would never live to see them be reality.  Once, people came along who told her who she truly could be.  And because of those people, she is blooming.  There are so many moments I could share from my life that sum up what I wrote above. However, at the moment I’m not thinking of me.   I’m thinking of the little girl sitting in her classroom being bullied because she’s different.  I’m thinking of the mom who just found out that her child will never be “normal.”  I’m thinking of the college student who feels like they’ll never measure up to a high standard of achievement.  I’m thinking of the person who just found out they don’t have long to live; And maybe they feel like they don’t have anything to give.  No matter if you fall into one of those categories or another, if you’re still here, you have something to give. You have a reason to s...

Real Talk - Broken Pieces

Most of us feel like we need have it “all together.” While at times it’s true that we need to have composure, it’s important for us to remember that we’re all working at growing ourselves. Some of us may need to be more patient. Some more kind. Or sometimes, giving.  Sometimes, we have to work on how we are treating another person. Other times, we may need to let God work in us and teach us how to see things that He sees within us.  Have you ever taken a good look at a mosaic? It has many different sizes and colors of glass. They’re broken pieces that someone without an artistic eye would probably just throw away. However, a person who saw potential in broken, uneven, and stained pieces of glass, made mosaics.  People are like these pieces. Everyone is different. Different eye color. Different skin tone. Different backgrounds. Different personalities. Even different beliefs. We can tend to look at the outward, without looking at the inward. We can unintention...

Finding Courage in the Unknown

Hello! My name is Meghan and I am taking over the blog today! I met Kelly during my freshman year of college and we have been friends ever since. Have you ever done something that you were excited about but scared out of your mind to do? That was me, four and a half months ago. Since my freshman year of college I knew I wanted to go to Madrid, Spain to study abroad. And last semester I fulfilled that dream. It was amazing. It was everything and yet nothing at all like I thought it would be. Wow, what a confusing sentence! Sometimes we have to let go of the need to know every detail about something and just go and do it. That is what I had to do. No matter how much I wanted to know exactly what I was getting myself in to, I couldn’t. Leaving the comforts of my home and my school, where I knew what I was doing wasn’t easy. However, I learned so much about myself and the Spanish culture. I still can’t believe I actually lived in Madrid for four months! What is it about perspective tha...

If The Shoes Fit - Lindsey Jones

“If the shoe fits, wear it!” is a popular slogan we hear from time to time. I think it may mean something like “if it works for you then by all means, do it” or something like that. But, wearing a shoe has many other meanings to me. For most of my life, I have  wondered  why humans were so different. I have always loved to “people watch” at the mall. I loved having jobs where I got to work with people and was always so intrigued by what made them excited, sad, mad, joyful, etc.  I love meeting someone new and asking them 103,264 questions about themselves.  The new popular trend of studying the enneagram has been super interesting to me. I have taken so many personality tests to see why I am the way I am and why others around me are the way they are. I have a sister. Even though we are birthed from the same mother, raised in the same home and look similar, we handle stress and joy so differently! I have four children. Each of them  is  so very different ...