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Showing posts from 2022


 “Flourish: To grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment.” There are a lot of observations I could take away from that definition. What stood out to me reading it today was that flourishing is the result of a favorable environment.  We all are affected by our environment negatively & positively, even when we might not realize it. Some of the factors are out of our control. Others, we choose.  We can choose to have a friend group that either tells us the hard truth even when it’s painful to hear, or pick ones who tells us we’re “all good” when the opposite is true.  We have the ability to choose if our lives will flourish based upon what we bring into our inner circle.  How will you be intentional about flourishing?


  Last year around this time, I wrote about how 2021 had been a year of learning. I said, “2021 has been a year of learning for me. Learning to trust, learning to let go, learning how to grieve with Christ’s hope, and learning how to have grace on myself while walking through these journeys.“ This time last year I had no clue what 2022 would be like for me. If I had to assign a word to its experiences as I did last year, I’d choose growth. Not only because I’ve grown through what I’d coined as the year of learning. But I’ve also become more aware of the growth in others as well as myself.  Growth in character, in the understanding of The Word, in willingness to learn new things, and more.  Training myself to recognize growth in others takes practice for me. It’s one of those things that usually requires me to sit back and observe without saying anything at all, instead of my default. AKA get up and go extroverted self. However, it’s one of the most rewarding things ...

Life Lessons from Coffee Chats

Today I had an unnamed person (we’ll call Jane) ask me if I wanted coffee. At first, I kindly declined. A little while later she asked me a 2nd time. However, this time I could tell she wanted more than me to just have a cup of coffee. ☕️  She wanted me to spend the time with her it took to drink that cup of coffee to talk with me. To ask me questions, learn about something she had been wondering about and gain better insight into a particular situation.  I think that’s why in the American culture when someone asks us to coffee, it’s either a quick yes or no answer because maybe we don’t want to spend time asking deeper questions of someone.  Our motivations might be different in each scenario but what if we said yes to coffee more often even if it’s not convenient for us? We might have assumptions or fears surrounding the other person’s motives. However, there’s no better way to gain clarity about them than asking vs assuming.  Trust me. It’s wayyyy easier said tha...

Saturday Thoughts πŸ’­

It’s been awhile since I’ve shared my thoughts—  I wanted to share something that’s been showing up everywhere for me lately!  Proverbs 16:9 ESV 9  The heart of man plans his way,  but the Lord establishes his steps. I’ve been thinking on this verse A LOT. We can only have steps established by the Lord if we’re willing to submit to His plans.  Being willing is defined as ready, eager, or prepared to do something. πŸ™ŒπŸ» We’re never forced to submit to His plan. (I know it sounds clichΓ©) if we were forced into it, then we wouldn’t have a choice either way—we’d be living miserable lives.  I know if I were forced to love my neighbor as myself it wouldn’t be sincere love. It’s something I have to work at. Not something that comes naturally.  We have to choose a relationship with Him before we can see the fruits of established steps by the Lord.  ~K

By Faith

These 2 words have been a reoccurring theme In my life lately. Remembering how important it is to live by FAITH & not by sight is definitely more easier said than done. However, when urs done right amazing things happen!  I was recently reading Not Part of the Plan by @krstnclark + & @bethany.beal. One of the chapters focuses on the importance & results that the Bible gives to us about living by faith.  Hebrews 11 is such an encouraging chapter. It never says by feeling Noah built the ark or by feeling Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born. It focus on the fact that those people didn’t always know what the end result would be. However they did take steps of faith.  My Saturday thoughts. πŸ’­

Why Clean Beauty?

Some of you have asked me why I decided to make the switch, so I thought I’d answer some questions and maybe even peak your own curiosity. πŸ˜‰   I’ve always been interested in clean living from a really early age. We try to eat “heart healthy” in our home so that probably peaked my interest into it. To be honest with you, for a long time I had no idea there were toxic chemicals in makeup, let alone some brands that claim to be clean beauty.  I read this and it prompted me to want to give clean beauty a try. “parabens and phthalates are part of the thousands of toxins that can be hidden under the word "fragrance".  Companies are protected from exposing their full ingredient list under the term "fragrance".  - A’del Natural Cosmetics blog. There is a lot more to that post but this is what really led to me doing more research into what those things are.  After looking into it that’s when I  decided to start trying a clean skincare routine. What could it hu...